Thursday, June 19, 2014

Monkey Diaper Cake

I've been dying to make a diaper cake. I think this is a gift that every crafter should master, so when I found out my cousin was pregnant I knew immediately that I would make one for her shower. I did a lot of research on pinterest - I wanted to find the perfect design for this diaper cake. Many diaper cakes you see have many little shampoo bottles, pacifiers, etc. tucked in with the diapers, but most of the ones I saw like that, as beautiful as they were, they looked too cluttered. Also, I was going to have to travel 5 hours with the diaper cake, so I was worried about all the stuff falling out. I ultimately decided on a very simple design.

What I used: 36 pack of seventh generation diapers from Target, 3 inch turquoise ribbed ribbon, 1.5 inch purple silk ribbon, a half yard of fabric, a CoCaLa stuffed monkey, ribbons, a bag of assorted rubber bands, hot glue.

Making a diaper cake is actually very easy. I bought a pack of 36 diapers and I ended up with a handful leftover. I started by rolling the diapers and rubber banding them. I placed a paper towel roll in the middle and began grouping the rolled up diapers in circles around it. I think I did about 4 circles for the bottom tier. I grouped each circle of diapers with a large rubber band, until I got to the largest circle around the bottom tier. I didn't have a rubber band big enough for the largest circle, so I used a scrap piece of thin ribbon to hold it together. You build the second and third tiers the same way - using rubber bands to hold each of the circles of rolled up diapers. The paper towel roll in the middle helps hold the tiers together. You can also use a useful item like baby shampoo or baby lotion instead of a paper towel roll.

Once the tiers were all built, I began with the decoration. I planned to use both fabric and ribbon to decorate the diaper cake to have a little bit of a difference in textures and patterns. The fabric brought a nice pattern to the cake and the ribbon really classed it up. I cut the fabric in a width to almost completely cover the rolled up diapers. To secure the fabric, I hot glued the ends together. I did the same thing with the turquoise ribbon. I didn't want to tie it because I wanted it to look seamless.

The last step to this diaper cake was to secure the plush monkey to it. I wrapped the monkeys legs around the bottom tier and used the purple ribbon around the monkey and the top tier. Overall, I think it came together really well!

Happy Baby Showering!

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